Jan2-12013 The Joy Dare, make changes, leave your mark!

Jan2-12013 The Joy Dare, make changes, leave your mark!

Freshly fallen snow,crisp,clean,pure-perfect in this moment

About lmcuene

All-in! Connector, story-collector, imagineer, relationship builder, advocate, art fanatic, passionate about family, Creativity, Faith, Doing Good, Being the Change!-Wonderfully Blessed child of the Creator, the Almighty Maker. Grateful human, Mom of two Joys, Lover of life, curious explorer, wannabe artist, fearless searcher for justice-dreamer, doer, thinker. Working towards a better world. It starts within, the heart's alignment, with a choice, an attitude, intentional movement towards Goodness. When we simply "connect"-with eye contact, a gentle hand on the shoulder- we affirm others, giving the gift of Presence-Sharing our story creates heart openings through which we are united in our Humanity. Simply be a good neighbor. Be Love in action. Joy IS in the Journey-Choosing Goodness, Gratitude, Action, Truth and FAITH!
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